Племенная деятельность в кинологии и совершенствование пород цвергпинчер и померанский шпиц
Питомник "ЛАКИ ШАРМ" занимается племенным разведением собак пород ПОМЕРАНСКИЙ ШПИЦ (карликовый шпиц и малый шпиц) разных окрасов и ЦВЕРГПИНЧЕР (карликовый пинчер). Мы имеем производителей, в родословных которых лучшие собаки многих стран мира, а также предлагаем к продаже щенков от них. Мы тщательно подбираем пары, ориентируясь на экстерьер, здоровье и устойчивую психику. Подробности, фото, видео, наши питомцы на сайте питомника «Лаки Шарм» http://www.lakysharm.com/щенки-шпица/. Kennel "LAKY Sharm" has been breeding dogs breed Pomeranian ( Dwarf Spitz ) various colors and Pinscher ( miniature pinscher ) . These rocks are characterized by good health , simplicity of care, devotion to his master , the small size. We have manufacturers who are breeding the best dogs around the world, as well as an offer to sell puppies from them. We carefully select the pair , focusing on the mentality of the exterior, health and stable. Our children are healthy, affectionate, sociable , vaccinated, trained to the tray, have a decent brand pedigree, socialized in the company of other pets. Site dedicated to our pets . In its pages you will meet with the inhabitants of the nursery , see their family trees , stories about the success of the exhibition , photo and video, take a look at the puppies born in the kennel , you will find a lot of useful information about these wonderful creatures, find ads mating and giving birth.