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Написать отзыв о компании FairPeople s.r.o. в МинскеFairPeople is a dedicated Business Intelligence agency with focus on providing high quality and high tech experts for Business Intelligence Managers. The demand for BI and “the right to know” has skyrocketed. In order to keep up with demand we continually visit the best European universities and consultant- and software houses to spot the best and the brightest developers. It is not easy to become part of the FairPeople BI team. We undertake an in-depth technology review of our candidates work, audit certifications and take references for each of the expert we source. One of FairPeople’s unique competences is to create international teams with both native speaking experts and experts with English as a second language (mixed teams). These teams can be highly effective where end-user engagement is the key to success. We have a number of development centers in Poland where you can have your own team sitting together or we can set up virtual teams to bring the best experts together from across Europe. г. Минск, Минская областьПохожие компании в Минске
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Ближайшие города от Минска Барановичи Береза Картуска Бобруйск Богушевск Борисов Брагин Василевичи Ветрино Вороново Ганцевичи Глуск Гомель Городок Гродзянка Давид-Городок Друя Жабинка Желудок Жодино Ивенец Калинковичи Климовичи Козловщина Костюковичи Круглое Лида Лоев Любань Ляховичи Миоры Мядель Островец Полоцк Пружаны Речица Сенно Слоним Старые Дороги Туров Ушачи Фаниполь Хотимск Шклов Шумилино Щучин |