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Cataloxy Минск...Фирмы МинскаПредприятия торговли и питанияМагазины электроники, компьютерной, бытовой и оргтехникиМагазины компьютерной и оргтехникиIntetics


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Intetics is a top custom software development company focused on creation and operation of distributed development teams, software product quality assessment, and “all-things-digital” solutions.

Intetics is a partner of US-based Intetics Inc, an international IT-company with 25 years of experience in developing IT- solutions for 300+ clients globally (from startups to members of Fortune 500). Who are we? Internationally recognized IT company (8th time in Top 100 Global Outsourcing, Inc 500, Software 500 and etc. ). We leverage talents all over the world. Intetics Inc. operates in 6 countries: USA (headquarters in Naples, Florida, Chicago IL), Germany (Dusseldorf), Great Britain (London), Poland (Krakow), Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv) and Belarus (Minsk). We use cutting-edge technologies (RPA, IoT, AI, Big Data and Business Intelligence etc. ) for clients operating within E-commerce, Logistics, Healthcare, Telecom, Finance, E-learning etc. 500+ outstanding professionals with technical background and hands-on experience in Java, JSNET, PHP, Python, etc. We are certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards and are a Microsoft Gold Partner. We provide endless opportunities to improve tech expertise, expand knowledge, advance career and gain confidence. We make sure our partnership is supportive and enjoyable. Intetics developed, patented and integrated into day-to-day operations the following concepts: Offshore Dedicated Teams, Remote In-Sourcing, Predictable Software Engineering. Why choose us? We offer: work in a team of talented and supportive people, open and transparent communications, emphasis on employees’ education and professional growth, flexible working hours and comfortable office near the city center, paid vacation and sick leaves, compensations for sports and other benefits, a lot of corporate parties: it’s never boring here! About us: https://youtu.be/rFU_k7vs8po Learn more about our corporate life! Join our: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Intetics/ Vkontakte: vk.com/intetics_inc Instagram: @intetics_inc Join @InteticsIncBot in Telegram and be the first to learn about our hottest vacancies! By working in Intetics, you bet on quality, professionalism, mutual trust and personal development! Intetics is a custom software development company that provides dedicated groups of highly-skilled and creative programmers. We deliver custom software application and mobile solutions, run software testing, perform in-depth product analyses, and provide technology management, support and expertise
Solving technological challenges for our startup clients as well as enterprise companies is the essence of the Intetics approach when it comes to application development services.
//www.youtube.com/embed/Mh7D1DoFshs Intetics , Custom Software Development and Geospatial Services Company

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Год основания: 1995

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 Адрес: Брест
г. Минск, Минская область

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Беларусь, Брест
Тел.: 01 02 03 04 05, 06 07 08 09

Intetics адрес

Беларусь, Мозырь
Тел.: 01 02 03 04 05, 06 07 08 09
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Intetics адрес

Беларусь, Бобруйск
Тел.: 01 02 03 04 05, 06 07 08 09
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Intetics адрес

Беларусь, Лида
Тел.: 01 02 03 04 05, 06 07 08 09
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Intetics адрес

Беларусь, Барановичи
Тел.: 01 02 03 04 05, 06 07 08 09
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Беларусь, Могилев
Тел.: 01 02 03 04 05, 06 07 08 09
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